Monday, September 5, 2011

General Principles governing elections to the MMM Youth Wing Executive Committee

Kindly note that elections to the Executive Committee of the Youth Wing of the MMM will be held on the 8th of October 2011. Candidates should send their letter to the General Secretary to the following address Poudriere Street, Port Louis by the 30th of September 2011.

  1. Elections to the Youth Wing Executive Committee and the principles governing the said elections will be given wide publicity in the MMM Regional Committees, on the MMM website, in Le Militant and on the internet.
  2. Each MMM Regional Committee and Youth Wing constituency cell will be informed well in advance of the date and the venue of the elections as well as the time period for candidatures to be communicated to the MMM secretariat.
  3. Candidates should have been a member of the  Youth Wing at national or regional level for a minimum of 6 months before the election date to be eligible to stand as candidate .If in dispute,  membership of the Youth Wing may be verified by the party secretariat from records held by the secretariat of the  Youth Wing.
  4. To be eligible to stand as candidate, the age of a candidate must be in the range of 15 to 30 years old inclusive, which is a basic requirement for membership of the MMM Youth Wing.
  5. More than one person in a constituency may stand as candidate in the  elections.
  6. All candidatures will be addressed , either by post or by email to the party secretariat and aspiring candidates may call at party headquarters to confirm receipt of their candidature.
  7. The youth wing cell at constituency level will designate three delegates to vote in the elections.
  8. The  voting delegates must be aged between 15 and 30 years old inclusive and they must have been  members of the Youth Wing, at national or regional for a period of at least 3 months.
  9. Prior to the elections, each MMM regional committee will ratify the list of three voting delegates by means of  a standard form (provided by the party secretariat), bearing the three delegates’ names as well as the signatures of the Regional Committee’s President and Central Committee representative.
  10. Each MMM regional committee shall ensure that the three voting delegates participate in the elections
  11. On the day of elections, the voting delegates must produce the duly filled form, to be entitled to participate in the elections.
  12. On the day of elections, each voting delegate will be provided with a ballot bearing the names of all declared candidates and the elections will proceed under the supervision of designated members of the MMM Political Bureau and the Party secretariat.
  13. Eleven candidates that will have gained the highest number of votes will be considered elected and will constitute the Youth Wing Executive Committee.
  14. Each voting delegate will be bound to vote for no less and no more than eleven candidates, failing which his ballot shall be invalidated
  15. Should the number of candidates not exceed 15, all candidates will be declared elected and the Executive Committee will consist of the corresponding number of members, exceptionally.
  16. The Executive Committee will be appointed for a period of one-year, at the end of which a new Executive Committee will be designated, unless the MMM Central Committee, in the best interest of the party, decides otherwise.
  17. The Executive Committee, once constituted will appoint a President, a Vice-President, a National Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer either by consensus or through an  election amongst its members, where appropriate..
  18. The  Youth Wing Executive Committee, in between elections, shall have the right to co-opt a number of additional members with a  view to effectively  discharging the responsibilities assigned to it. These co-opted members will however not have voting rights and will be limited in numbers so as never to outnumber elected members  


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