Whatever has happen to our edukation system. As if being toiled so many time in ze past were not enouf, now we is serve with the latest creation : 3 Credits!
I try hard to understan my Minister of Edukation. May bee he like ze childs of Mauritius, may bee he want us to make parent proud, may bee he want childs to have nice job, or may bee he want to be best Minister of Edukation ever.
Bekause down ze line, statistic wud be very gud. Minister would av acheved miracle. Minister would receve felicitation from collegues for improving proportion of childs doing Higher Skool Certificate. And zen?
Well, zen is ze mystery. I try hard to see. If Cambridge lower difikulty of papers and lower severity of corection, zen number of childs wid HSC increase. Minister receive felicitation again for double miracle. But zen, I want go to university. But no place! Ah, but then Minister find sum Indian investor and create campus in Mauritius and create new rule, the 1 Pass HSC rule! By zis time, Minister is hero and awarded Grand Commander of Star and Key of Indian Ocean. Now, I want good job. I av University degree my friend. Employer happy, qualified labor suply increase, wage go down, profit go trough ze roof.
But wat if Cambridge do not play Minister game. Zen parent probably pay for HSC fee two year in a row. But stil, I not get HSC certificate. Parent send me to IVTB and I become skilled manual worker. At the end of day, I ask myself ze benefit of ze 3 credits for pasage in HSC class to my society. I think hard and except than diluting ze labor market wid more man power competing for similar jobs, I cannat find any.
If Minister want me and other childs get HSC and degree, then give me beter education. Help me develop. I do not want competition at 12. Give me potential develop my skill. Not everyone iz good at academic subject. My sister good singer but no one care. My brother dribble everyone in football but no oportunity. Not everyone must work in ofshore or bank. Give everyone chance to develop what they good at. Create diversity in ze economy Minister.
Minister, statistic lie as much as politician lie. Statistic good in future for you, but reality diferent Minister, diferent...next time for Independence Day of country, I shout 3 credits to Minister, hip hip hip hourrah while tear roll down my cheek thinking of inocent victim of genocide of soul of country bekoz edukation system, bad edukation system. Change system Minister, do not change statistic Minister!
Kugan Parapen
On behalf of Youth Wing MMM

I try hard to understan my Minister of Edukation. May bee he like ze childs of Mauritius, may bee he want us to make parent proud, may bee he want childs to have nice job, or may bee he want to be best Minister of Edukation ever.
Bekause down ze line, statistic wud be very gud. Minister would av acheved miracle. Minister would receve felicitation from collegues for improving proportion of childs doing Higher Skool Certificate. And zen?
Well, zen is ze mystery. I try hard to see. If Cambridge lower difikulty of papers and lower severity of corection, zen number of childs wid HSC increase. Minister receive felicitation again for double miracle. But zen, I want go to university. But no place! Ah, but then Minister find sum Indian investor and create campus in Mauritius and create new rule, the 1 Pass HSC rule! By zis time, Minister is hero and awarded Grand Commander of Star and Key of Indian Ocean. Now, I want good job. I av University degree my friend. Employer happy, qualified labor suply increase, wage go down, profit go trough ze roof.
But wat if Cambridge do not play Minister game. Zen parent probably pay for HSC fee two year in a row. But stil, I not get HSC certificate. Parent send me to IVTB and I become skilled manual worker. At the end of day, I ask myself ze benefit of ze 3 credits for pasage in HSC class to my society. I think hard and except than diluting ze labor market wid more man power competing for similar jobs, I cannat find any.
If Minister want me and other childs get HSC and degree, then give me beter education. Help me develop. I do not want competition at 12. Give me potential develop my skill. Not everyone iz good at academic subject. My sister good singer but no one care. My brother dribble everyone in football but no oportunity. Not everyone must work in ofshore or bank. Give everyone chance to develop what they good at. Create diversity in ze economy Minister.
Minister, statistic lie as much as politician lie. Statistic good in future for you, but reality diferent Minister, diferent...next time for Independence Day of country, I shout 3 credits to Minister, hip hip hip hourrah while tear roll down my cheek thinking of inocent victim of genocide of soul of country bekoz edukation system, bad edukation system. Change system Minister, do not change statistic Minister!
Kugan Parapen
On behalf of Youth Wing MMM
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