Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ecology and Sustainable Development 2 / The Way Forward by Najeeb Fokeerbux Le Mauricien 28.05.2011


Ecology and sustainable development (2)

(on behalf of La Jeunesse Militante)

Waste management

We should place green labels on products as per strictly specified guidelines and monitor of all products on the market as well exempt these green label products from a percentage of taxes. For example, a product with little packaging or low negative impact on the environment can be exempted from taxation so as to encourage people to buy that product. The tax imposed on a product not having a green label by a certain percentage should be increased.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ecology and Sustainable Development / The Way Forward by Najeeb Fokeerbux Le Mauricien 27.05.2011

Ecology and sustainable development (1)

(on behalf of La Jeunesse Militante)

Sustainable development is mainly about the adequate distribution of resources as well as the preservation and replenishment of our resources over time for the coming generations. In Mauritius, our main resources are our rich marine expanse and our human resources. Other assets are the lands under cultivation, the sources of fresh water and the likes. The Green Paper by the relevant Ministry highlights that the four main pillars of MID will revolve around the following quartet: Ecology, Economy, Social, and Governance.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The way forward/ le mauricien 12.05.11

The way forward


No point in dilly dallying. Mauritius is sinking. Some will retort that
profits are on the rise, the standard of living in terms of GDP per capita
has bettered and the number of graduates is the benchmark at African level.
And still, I stand firm. This country is diseased. Indifference is gnawing
at this Nation’s Fabric. Solidarity and trust have gone missing from our
collective psyche, replaced by indifference and division. Lest, we become a
country where “One could not hear the cries of another”, there is the
need to renew our faith in change.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Au royaume des aveugles, le borgne est Roi Par FABIANI BALISSON


Au royaume des aveugles, le borgne est Roi


En décembre 2010, certains s'enorgueillirent que Navin Ramgoolam fut élu meilleur dirigeant d'Afrique par le East African Magazine. Rien de vraiment surprenant, surtout quand on se pose la question : peut-on comparer une pomme à une poire ? Navin Ramgoolam, n'est-ce pas un faux démocrate, un " loup " qui montre patte blanche pour entrer dans la bergerie ?